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Samantha, 乾淨自然、清澈明亮, 寥若晨星 (二)。 Samantha, as countable star in the dawn time
2009/08/04 01:26:03瀏覽952|回應2|推薦17
這年頭儒家那一套仁義理智信的教條, 恐怕已沒幾個人相信。 遑論 近代遭到嚴重扭曲, 變成一頭吃人的千年怪獸。 總以為, 逃離那頭怪獸越遠, 能活的自在些。

天地是寬闊了許多。 只是西方世界愈看愈不對勁。 壓榨人、生物、地球的制度機器, 似個黑洞, 吸乾天地所有的光和能, 可怖復可恨。 人人生活緊張、奮勇向錢, 工作壓力大起來, 渾然不知個人衛生為何物; 有加班加到昏天黑地, 幾天不洗頭不洗澡的, 香水倒是大罐大罐的噴 ; 有為了超前幾秒鐘, 上完洗手間而不洗手, 下一秒人模人樣地, 不知又去握了幾雙手 ; 有吃飯, 臉埋在盤裡, 作虎狼吃相; 有各式各樣的上癮, Obsessive–compulsive disorder 心理病態(shopaholic, drugaholic, workaholic,。。。。  ); 有滿街無家可歸的流浪漢, 有越蓋越大的萬人監獄 ; 有。。。。。    想想, 幾千年老掉牙的儒家“修齊治平”, 由內向外, 不是沒有幾分道理的。

在米國, 像 Samantha 這麼乾淨自然、清澈明亮的女孩, 寥若晨星。


瑜珈的動作 也是早期瑜珈行者, 從觀察動物行為而來的靈感。

Samantha 也知道我們這群重度勞心者, 腦子裡的雜音, 都寫在臉上。 傳授了不少齜牙咧嘴的臉部瑜珈 (Face Yoga)。  睜大眼, 張大嘴, 長吐舌頭, 喉頭 OM OM 作響。。。。

眼珠子上下左右前後(?), 用力使勁轉動, 左三圈、右三圈

據說, 常常練習, 能消除皺紋, Who knows?


No idea, these days, who's following the Confucianism doctrines like ren, yi, li, zhi....etc. Not to mention, in recent history, the uncontrollable authoritarianism like monster transformed from distorted Confucianism haunted in every Chinese mental. Getting away from that monster was such a relief in the beginning several years living in the West(or I should narrow the scope, and say America) .

The horizon is much further; the sky is broader and bluer. But things seem getting crumbling when live longer, work longer. Gradually, you notice, no smile on adult's face, no light in adult's eyes, but dollar signs $$$$. Whenever you try to be friendly smiling to people, illusion, doubt, difference appear on people's bizarre expression (money, sex, cheating.....all in their filthy brains, this comment could offend several English readers, hope not). Houses by the streets are lined like tombs in the cemetery, deadly quiet.  People lock themselves in one after another containers of different size, in the car, in the mall, in the gym, in the fast food store..... (In the last couples of year, the farmer market and the flea market have been more and more popular. Seems like, the trend goes opposite ways). Well, in the end, whole pictures get clear. YES, THIS SYSTEM SUCKS! and IT'S DISASTROUSLY EVIL. It's like a bigger and bigger black hole that is endless  sucking all the energy of the earth and the living things on it, until barren, lifeless, totally deadly dark.

People are locked in a rat racing arena, keep circling with no direction, get hectic to a degree where personal sanity become the last priority in the life. Many professionals work overtime all the times, sleep in the office day after night, night after day, you can smell 10 feet afar, the whole office is permeated with an unbearable air. Especially the sales and marketing people seem in tight fascination with perfume or cologne, and never consider less to buy more and spray more. Believe me, 8 out of 10 guys do not wash their hands after toilet, don't know who's going to shade that pair of hands in the next minute.
Obsessive–compulsive disorder (shopaholic, drugaholic, workaholic,.....) is the norm in this society.

It's a rare occasion to run into natural, clean, nearly transparent girl like Samantha in daily life,
as the countable star in the dawn time of east sky.

( 在地生活北美 )
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the dreamer girl
2014/12/25 11:41





the dreamer girl~~ 最新作品:

義大利- 拉溫那(Ravenna)

BinH(waysfu) 於 2014-12-27 06:19 回覆:




BinH(waysfu) 於 2014-12-27 06:31 回覆:

最近沈迷於 "Universe" film by History Channel。米帝花下天文數字資金(包括全球搜括來的自動"進貢"),太空宇宙探索,嘆嘆嘆。。。。為觀止。

2030年移民火星、Asteroid Mining、Milky Way Galaxy、Nebulae、Brown/white Drawf、Black Hole、Super Cluster、Big Bang、Parallel Universe、Worm Hole、String Thoery。。。。God and Universe。。。。

BinH(waysfu) 於 2014-12-27 06:46 回覆:

Ultimate Mar's Challenge ^^^^



The Ever Expanding Universe ● History Channel Documentary



The End of the Universe: Big Crunch, Big Freeze or Big Rip?  



Life in The Universe Documentary



The Ever Expanding Universe







Dark Matter, Dark Energy the Invisible Universe

BinH(waysfu) 於 2014-12-27 06:48 回覆:
BinH(waysfu) 於 2014-12-27 07:03 回覆:

The Fabric of the Cosmos 1 of 4) What Is Space  



NASA | The Really Big Picture: Things We Know About the Universe, and How We Know Them



Hubble - 15 Years of Discovery



The Definitive Guide to the Milky Way Galaxy  



Journey to the Edge of the Universe



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Alien Contact Annunaki Documentary  

2009/08/06 00:47

"This system sucks." 來美三十年之後,我才後知後覺


"The dawn time" probably is not in my life time.

BinH(waysfu) 於 2009-11-06 13:10 回覆:
人的形體會逐漸衰老, 但我始終相信, 年齡是一種狀態, 不是一個數字。 每當穿梭野外, 爬上高峰, 有些渺無人煙的地方, 湖光山色, 植物林相, 安靜乾淨的出奇; 山水有靈, 人的身心隨之洗滌一淨。 深淵峽谷, 氣勢磅礡,  心情也會為之一振。 牢牢抓住這些“回家”的感覺。
似乎, 瑜珈、太極、靜坐, 最後也不過就是回到這種心境。
不過, 奇怪的很, 在野外漫遊的, 十之八九都是男人。