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Edgar Degas (1834 ~ 1917)
2009/08/01 03:52:47瀏覽964|回應2|推薦3

Study for Misfortunes of the City of Orleans in the Middle Ages
by Edgar Degas, 1865, graphite. Collection the Louvre, Paris, France.

This early drawing shows Degas's background in classicism.

The transformation for a draftsman from drawing tight, detailed forms to looser, more gestural lines is a common one, but these examples show this evolution in to be a particularly natural one. Beauty inhabits both works, even if a typical viewer may not associate both pieces with one artist. "He was trying to pin down the figure in his early drawings," explains Rubenstein, "and in the later drawings, he was setting it loose."

Degas' muse was the ballerina, and the motion and movements of dance demanded free, gestural sketches. Rubenstein points out that even in quick sketches such as Study of a Dancer in Tights Degas is showing his genius for composition - the knees nearly touch the edges of the paper, and the negative shapes formed by the dancer's limbs create a powerful design. The beauty of the spontaneous composition betrays the years of experience behind this study.

Degas and the Dance, by Jill DeVonyar and Richard Kendall (Harry N. Abrams, New York, New York)
Edgar Degas: Life and Work, by Denys Sutton (Rizzoli International Publications, New York, New York)

Study of a Dancer in Tights
by Edgar Degas, ca. 1900, black crayon, 23%x 18. Collection National Museum, Belgrade, Serbia.

"Notice how Degas put darker lines and thus more emph Sis on the stabilizing leg, and the undersile of the other leg, which is bearing weight," comments Rubenstein.

Study for The Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer
by Edgar Degas, ca. 1878-4881, chalk and pastel, 46 x 57. Private collection.

"Here, Degas is showing a sequence of movementsóhe's trying to keep up with the movement of the dancer's feet. He's trying to understand something," says Rubenstein. "Most elements in the figure are staying the same, but note the other difference besides the feet: With a little shading and a little foreshortening, he has rotated the form."
( 在地生活北美 )
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2015/01/02 05:22
不熟悉的藝術家太多太多了,一抓一大把,也不盡然都住在博物館。前年RVing路經Mt. Lemon, Arizona,在展示間認識了Forset Ranger, Jeanne Hartmann,畫得一手好水彩,一肚子故事,能唱能演又能畫,多才多藝極了,差點留在當地,拜她為師。


認識不熟悉的XX家(can fill up whatever),固然有趣重要,睡-覺-可是更重要滴。懷疑得意

the dreamer girl
2015/01/01 14:41



the dreamer girl~~ 最新作品:

菲律賓 –佬沃(Laoag)

BinH(waysfu) 於 2015-01-02 06:07 回覆:

剛才看到一個䋄站,Sleeping Chinese,真有趣。


中南半島的人民會不會這樣睡?旅行那裏,一定要找旅館才能睡覺嗎?HA, Crazy!

BinH(waysfu) 於 2015-01-02 05:37 回覆:

在旅程中,若遇見欣賞的XX家(fill up any improvizationalist 生活家or 外星人),看見他們的作品,不妨也馬上照下來,與網友們分享,他們也是旅行中精采的風景,right?
