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2022 觀賞心動的電影:
2023/01/07 06:04:41瀏覽4695|回應0|推薦21

"依個人觀點"的選出2022 觀賞心動的電影:

生命理賠師 ( What is Life Worth, 2020)  US,UK ,Canada

國王的新衣 (The Emperor's New Clothes/The Death of Napoleon, 2001) UK, Italy, Germany

我很好, 只是回不去了! ( IO STO BENE ,2020)  Italy

不愛鋼琴師 ( Lara, 2019 ) Germany

橄欖樹下的情人( Zire darakhatan zeyton / Through the Olive Trees, 1994 )  Iran, France

遺孀美人心 ( My Cousin Rachel ,2017)  US, UK

美麗.錯誤 ( Belle, 2013) UK

幸福不設限 ( 3 Generations, 2015 ) USA

我心中的歌 (Das Lied in mir / The Day I Was Not Born, 2010) Germany, Argentina

替罪羊 ( The Scapegoat, 2012)   UK

逐夢鬱金香(  Pane e tulipani, 2000) Italy, Switzerland

遠離塵囂: 珍愛相隨 ( Far from the Madding Crowd, 2015) UK, US

我們要出海( Wir Wollten aufs Meer, 2012)  Germany

最好的敵人( Mei bester Feind / My Best Enemy, 2011) Austria, Luxembourg

往蔚藍海岸的單程車票 ( En enkel till Antibes / A One-Way To Antibes, 2011 ) Sweden

柏林的女人 (Anonyma - Eine Frau in Berlin / A Woman in Berlin, 2008)  Germany, Poland

外出偷馬 ( Ut og stjæle hester / Out Stealing Horses, 2019) Norway, Sweden, Denmark

通往自由的通道 (Der Tunnel / The  Tunnel, 2001)   Germany

18 年後 ( Diciotto anni dopo / 18 Years Later, 2010) Italy

回憶的餘燼 (The Sense of an Ending, 2017 ) UK, US

( 時事評論公共議題 )
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