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2012/02/07 14:20:01瀏覽509|回應2|推薦1

朋友最近情緒有些狀況, 我也跟著有些沮喪. 對快樂這件事, 疑惑了起來. 事事順遂不保證快樂, 生活無憂也不代表幸福. 走到了人生的一個瓶頸, 似乎真是"往前看往後看 -- 都有點吃力"....


腦袋浮現的是小時候的我們, 白衣藍裙, 紅磚道, 並肩走著, 叛逆的妳, 我們乾淨的笑. 快樂曾經多麼垂手可得.

什麼時候活著變成這麼辛苦? 我開始認真思考這個問題.

這些年來, 女朋友們的生活大概是這樣的: 開心終於把自己嫁掉, 有了漂亮的寶寶, 專心做母親, 有人抱怨工作, 有人數落婆婆, 以前怎麼沒發現另一半這麼難相處....

我們慌慌張張長大變老了. 但怎麼也沒想到, 除了生活上的辛苦之外, 活著會是一種沉重負擔.

我們一直勇敢走在邊陲上, 什麼樣的低落悲傷, 可以叫人任性地放棄?

妳是個連生病都誠實勇敢的人物 -- 真叫我妒嫉起妳的自由.

This is exactly how I see in you--
"How you say what you mean, and how you almost always mean something that's all about being straight and good" (Quoted from "As Good As It Gets" )

我有些生氣 -- 怎麼就沒見過惡棍 depressed?

For my best friend -  (似乎錯誤百出, 但不想改了)

"Walking in the hallway, that is what I do whole day" you said. Room after room you've passed, laughing echoing.

In that silver room, people were soaring, flying, with laurel wreath crowned. You said you couldn't follow your dream without the twinkle wings.

A fragrance scented room, trendy folks were talking fine arts, stylish designs and delicacy cuisines. Glasses tingling, dresses swishing and swooshing, you picked up your shabby soul from that corner shadow.

Sharp business fellows were exchanging grand titles decorated business cards in their best suits. you were too dull to fake a laugh to those predicable jokes.

Your girl friends gathering in a cozy room, inspired by great parenting ideas. Eyes on their loved ones, smiling sweetly, they were too focused to even notice you.

Guided to this holy spiritual room, people were meditating, they tried to shower you with love and kindness. Touched but you just couldn't find your purified soul.

Here's the sparkling golden room, people were dancing, drinking, drugging; You then closed your once sober eyes.

Distanced sobbing from that locked room, it's too sad to listen, you said. People are suffering, people are shivering.

"Rooms after rooms, wondering in the dark hallway." You said.

There must be a way....
It only takes you a happy thought --that Peter Pan window is where you could fly away.

有時不知為何而哭, 妳說.

為什麼不哭? 生命的焦慮孤單荒涼, 我們該哭.

有人很早就看見人生的蒼白, then grow out of it.
有人掙扎, 有人放棄, 有人妥協, 有人買醉...總有些時刻

誰說我們就該追求快樂? 擁抱生命的荒蕪, 是否實際些.

We have to stop harassing ourselves! 這年歲了, 不能再騒擾自己, 和別人過不去了. 昏黑時, 別讓心緒跑遠.

我討厭年結的忙碌, 但想想, 還有幾個年可忙? 手指頭就數得清. 於是, 不抱怨了. See, just a happy thought, just a happy thought you need.

拉雜許多, 許多想寫的, 卻沒心思整理. 就此停筆.

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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For my best friend
2012/02/12 06:42
文中的詩 For my best friend 讀來韻律足, 意境深, VS才華橫溢.
VS Always(vancouversoul) 於 2012-02-12 10:58 回覆:
Your encourage is deeply appreciated.

The bottom line is -- to write my heart out....

Apple *
2012/02/09 22:31

朋友情緒出狀況; VS也有些沮喪.

Oh, NO! 我們要看到 VS 的 "Sunshine".

大聲唱 :

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away...

VS Always(vancouversoul) 於 2012-02-10 10:16 回覆:
Thanks Apple.

朋友本來就不多, 現在更覺淒淒恍恍了.

好險 -- 惡人不容易沮喪太久.....

一下子, 又充滿戰鬥力 : )

加州的陽光棒到人都不得不陽光啊!! 溫哥華的雨啊....落不停...
VS Always(vancouversoul) 於 2012-02-10 12:43 回覆:
Apple 妳 8 級了吔! 我們同梯的, 但我被留級了, 嘻嘻.