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2014/02/04 17:07:59瀏覽833|回應11|推薦11 | |
先誠心祝福大家馬年亨通, 事事如意, 萬事都馬順利 ! 懶散好久,不只懶得動筆, 連讀本書都拖拖拉拉, 我想是臉書玩太多, 面目全非了. 聽說臉書市場已被中老年人佔據, 不再酷了. 潛心研究 Snapchat, 花了一下午時間, 還是弄不懂年輕人在幹嘛. 大過年的, 真有些孤寂感. 最近在海島的生活, 就像這隻海豹~ A fine afternoon, taken in Victoria 2014 I was strolling along the shore, and this cute guy was ballet dancing around me. I think he likes me, maybe we look alike (shape wise...) |
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