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2012/10/03 10:05:53瀏覽199|回應1|推薦7 | |
人最大的不幸…就是不知道自己是幸福的… 我們很少想到自己還擁有什麼…對於失去的…欠缺的卻一直念念不忘… 所以說…上天為了要使我們有看見的能力…就安排了各種失去的課程… 藉由失去…讓人學習『看見』的能力… --- 看見自己擁有的幸福--- 1身體是否越來越健康 2心情是否越來越快樂 3生命是否越來越圓滿
You Are Love 你就是愛
Remember ...You Are Love 記得...你就是愛 Your Love is all healing, all protecting. 你的愛是全然的療癒,是全然的保護 Your Love heals all inharmony. 你的愛療癒了所有的不和諧 It is not possible to Love and judge in the same instant. 愛和評論不可能同時存在 To Love more fully you must surrender your need to punish, 想要更充分的去愛,你必須放棄懲罰 to judge, criticize, condemn 放棄評論,批評,譴責 to win 放棄贏 to war 放棄戰爭 to own, control, attack 放棄擁有,控制,攻擊 to be prideful 放棄驕傲 to police, interrogate 放棄管治,審問 to make right or wrong, good or bad 放棄矯正對與錯,好與壞 to fill the hole in your soul with anything other than a decision to Love. 不要讓任何與愛無關的事物來填滿你的心靈 Surrender your need to believe that any of these things offer you protection. 不要認為上述的任何東西(懲罰,評論,批評,譴責,贏,戰爭,擁有,控制…) 可以保護你 For in any of these things is the absence of Love 因為其中任何一項,都是代表了缺愛 is a call for Love. 都是在祈求愛 Seek and you shall find`… 去尋找,你終將會發現… Love’s Presence 愛就是在當下 Love’s Peace 愛就是和平(寧靜) Joy in Love 愛裡有著喜悅 To Love with an open heart 要以放心胸去愛 Love idiosyncrasies 愛獨特的人事物 Love the obvious 愛理所當然的人事物 Love the challenging 愛每一項挑戰 Love the opportunity to express Love. 愛有表達愛的機會 In the midst of your fear 當你有所恐懼的時候 Love boldly. 更要大膽的愛 Stay put with your emotion. 放下你的情緒 Reach for Love. 去追隨愛 Reach for a face that’s an easy Love. 看看週遭有沒有一個洋溢著愛的臉龐 Transfer this Love that you now feel to that which you run from. 把你從這張臉上感受到的愛,傳送到你感受不到的人的身上 Do this, and you transform your experience forever more. 這樣做,你就完全轉換了自己的經驗 Practice loving unconditionally without attachment to outcome. 多練習無條件的去愛,而不要執著於後果會如何 For when you Love just to Love you move into a whole, beautiful relationship with your spirit. 當你因為愛而愛時,你就和自己的靈魂形成了一個整體的,美麗的關係 Unwanted people, circumstances and situations need only your Love, blessing and release. 不想碰觸的人,境界,和環境,他們需要的是你的愛,祝福,跟釋放 Divine Love 神性的愛 Eternal Love washes away whatever is not Love. 永恆不變的愛會沖走任何不是愛的狀況 Accept that you are here to Love 接受此時此刻你是來愛 to be the Master of all good 是來成就所有美好的一切 you are Love personified 你是的化身 You are Love. 你就是愛
Love awaits you, so .… 愛在等著你,所以…
weep with Love 跟愛一齊哭泣
laugh with Love 跟愛一齊歡笑
receive Love, 接受愛
live Love 與愛同步
And while you are at it 當你在愛裡
Love well. 就好好的去愛吧
You ask, ”But how can I not suffer in Love?” 你問:“我怎麼可能不會因為愛而受苦?” The Love you feel for another is still your Love. 你對別人付出的愛,仍是你的愛
Accept that you assign Love. 承認自己分送愛
You are Love’s source. 你是愛的源頭
Love is your decision. 愛是你的決定
Love is a healing, soothing balm. 愛本來就是一種治療,舒緩的慰藉
Love, Peace and Joy are the highest of all healing vibrational frequencies. 愛,和平(寧靜),跟喜悅是所有療癒裡震動頻率最高者
Vibrate High 讓自己高頻率震動
Divine Love is me, as me, now. 神性的愛是我,如同我,就是現在
And that’s all there is…is Love. 這就是全部所需…就是愛
There are three things that will endure--- Faith, Hope and Love---and the greatest of these ..is Love. Saint Paul 聖保羅說,有三件事是恆常的---信,望,愛---而其中最重要...就是愛
You Are Love 你 就 是 愛 |
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