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I am learning...
2010/02/27 08:46:33瀏覽203|回應0|推薦0

I am trying to learn the lesson of life:

Openness: being receptive, I accept the lesson that life brings me, no matter how unpleasant or challenging they may be.
Growing up in a poverty-striken family, I get the gift of endurance and humble.
Afflicted by families’ numerous disastrous stories, I learn the lesson of empathy and persistence.
Betrayed by the first lover, I get the lesson of forgiveness and attachment.
Being a mother teaches me the lessons of patience and devotion.
Embarking on a love affair presents me the lessons of trust and compromise.
Feeling sick and irritated, I study the lesson of healing and support.
..there are always challenges to face, problems to solve, and lessons for me to learn every day..

Choice: I am in the charge of the exploration of my desires and then the selection of my action. I can choose the ways how to feel, what to do, who to love, where to go, and when to start. Life is about choices even though if there is no choice to make.

Fairness: refraining from focusing on the unfairness of circumstance for it would keeps me comparing myself with others rather than appreciating my own special uniqueness but suffering from the feelings of bitterness and resentment. There is so much what the perception of unfairness holds me back that I need to get rid of this whenever it is eating up my mind.

Grace: I always try to live in a state of grace which means to be fully in tune with my spiritual nature and a higher power that sustains me. My grace comes when I understand and accept the universe always creates circumstances that lead me to my own true path.

I know there are still a lot lessons left for me to learn; I also have to master the basic lessons of compassion, forgiveness, ethics, and ultimately humor. Without these essential lessons, I may remain trapped in my limited view and unable to parlay mistakes into valuable learning opportunities…

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