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2010/02/01 21:40:02瀏覽120|回應0|推薦0

I have not been a free lady since I was a little girl.

Instead of enjoying any freedom, I choosed to behave perfect for my parents' honor.

During studying days, I used to confine myself in my only goal which was to avail my any energy and time on something that make me successful.

When I was choosing a husband for a life-long partner, I was still controlled by my self-prison of self-inferiority and oringal families.

After having steady relationship and myself growth, I am more braver to enjoy the delayed freedom now.

I am savoring more confidence, material enjoyment, and security now.

Although I am still shouldering certain burden and not as carefree as I aspire, I am still granting certain freedom for myself in my imagination.

The present marrried life is just like taking a jouney with husband and kids, but sometimes the scene in the car are too gloom to enjoy and I aspire to open the window to see what is something else outside the car.

I think marriage should not be a prison to each other, and the couples should give each other enough freedom.

In my marriage, I am titled to deserve enough freedom for I have done enough in my every role in my marriage; my husband also deserve enough freedom for he is the most trustworthy person to me..

How to make every relationship as source of freedom, rather than prison?

A good question...

I think only a matured mind know...

I should nurture my matured mind again and again!

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