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2012/11/05 06:59:00瀏覽732|回應7|推薦23 | |
我這人從小就很自卑。 當初和老公密切交往時,我們都已二十出頭; 我們很相愛,而且都以為可以彼此相守了。
有一次,我掙扎著一種迫切感,想要讓他知道我這人的缺陷與弱點。記得,當時我帶著滿懷的羞慚與不安,老老實實地告訴他說,我不喜歡自己的腳和胸部。 輪到他了。 只見他支吾了好一陣子、欲言又止,最後不痛不養地說:「嗯,我也不喜歡我的腳...我有香港腳。」
回想起來,挺可笑,也很悲哀... 那時候,我老公不是基督徒。
I used to carry a heavy sense of inferiority toward myself ever since I was a very little girl. My hubby and I were both at our twenties when I dated him. We were in love, and thought we could be with each other forever. One day, I struggled a strong feeling of letting him know some of my weakness. I remember I finally uttered, with shame, unease, but honesty, "I don't like my feet and my breasts."
I guess it was then his turn, for after pausing a few seconds, I heard him responding, with a tone of no expression. "Me too, I don't like my feet. " he said, " I've got the Athlete's Foot." It seems funny now, yet I am deeply saddened as I recall. Being a Christian, why had I been so preoccupied by my own appearance and never insisted on sharing my faith for Jesus Christ and never discussed those of true value such as character, integrity, quality of inner life...with my not-Christian-yet boyfriend? (By Julia Chou)
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |