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2012/12/31 11:59:00瀏覽432|回應2|推薦10 | ||||
那回,咱倆也順便度了個小小蜜月(九月八日是我們的結婚 38 週年紀念日)。 今年的蜜月方式很特別。在 22 個小時的實際開車里程中,我們除了加油、上廁所之外,完全沒下車 。早餐,中餐,晚餐,外加上午點心、下午茶,一概於兩人開車時進行 。
( 啊,忘了,我因為必須定期發電郵給神學院學生,有一天下午,半路上找了一個星巴克上網 )
後座早已放平,牀被也已鋪好。我倆在「不大不小、恰容二人」的包廂裏,打開天窗,欣賞「屋頂上」亮晶晶滴水似的星星。當秋霧漸濃,我們關上所有「門戶」,任窗外一輛又一輛巨大的貨櫃車轟隆轟隆、駛進駛出;直到夜深人靜,我倆鑽進溫暖舒適的被窩,甜蜜相擁而眠,一覺睡到朝霞滿天。 當然啦,到了那兒,女兒、女婿、兒子、兒媳他們,少不了為我倆大補特補,好好地慶祝了幾番。 雖然累得扁扁,但特開心! 回程再開 22 小時,再歡度一次一模一樣的「蜜月」。
(只是不必再找星巴克, 已經在兒子家上過網了)。
I was so looking forward to taking some nice pictures with my family while having the end-of-year hot pot dinner at my youngest brother’s home. Yet it ended that we talked too much to take any picture.
So I had to dig out the pictures we took three months ago when my husband and I drove to Colorado to see our son, daughter, and their families. On the way, we also celebrated our 38th anniversary, it was so special and unique! During that 22 hours of driving, we never got out of the car except when the car was thirsty or when we had to go to the bathroom. For all three meals and snacks, we ate while we were driving (most the time it was me feeding him with my fingers). We even slept in the vehicle at night. Back seats were already flattened and prepared as a bed. In that "just right size" little room, we lay down and watched the stars through our sky window. After all the come-and-go huge semi-trucks had quiet down, my husband and I slipped into our nice and warm bedding; we slept all night through until the pink and purple clouds lightened the beautiful morning sky. Upon our arrival, of course our wonderful children treated us with some beautiful, huge and delicious feasts to celebrate our anniversary and gathering. Though exhausted, it was a great reunion! On the 22 hours way of driving back, we enjoyed another exactly the same "honey moon". The next day after we arrived home, my mother injured her wrist. Immediately I moved in my parents’ home, taking my mother for X-rays and various doctors' appointments, taking care of her and being with her every day and night. A few days later, my ankle was severely injured, and we haven’t had any picture taken since. So, the picture below that my husband nicely insisted take for me at a rest area in Utah State marked the very last one for the year of 2012 before I was handicapped.
(By Julia Chou)
兩年前,拍攝於猶他州、鹽湖城某休息站 【兩年後補記】:
2014 年 10月8日
( 心情隨筆|家庭親子 ) |