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今日,六十有四 Turned to 64 Today
2013/01/08 09:29:00瀏覽285|回應2|推薦3

My romantic husband bought me 2 dozens of roses.

My sweet granddaughter sent me a birthday card with her beautiful drawing.  Hey! I saw Grandma LaoLao,the black-long-hair lady! :)

我的寶貝孫女兒寄給我一張生日卡,還在上面畫了一幅畫兒...........  哈,找到了!那深色長髮的漂亮女生,不正是我嗎!

(By Julia Chou)
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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陳正華 Julia Chou@guest
Re: 今日,六十有四 Turned to 64 Today
2013/01/16 07:16
Zhen de, Calla zhen de hen xiang ni xiao de shi hou.

Ai ni, Nu-Er!

Re: 今日,六十有四 Turned to 64 Today
2013/01/16 05:14
Those are one of my favorite colors of roses. So sweet. And Calla's drawings remind me of when I was little. :)