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2025/01/22 05:37:00瀏覽392|回應0|推薦6 | |
台灣成功率最高詐騙手法是這個!「7天被騙走近17億」恐怖關鍵字一次公開 台灣被稱為「詐騙天堂」,光是上週就被詐騙24億7120.4萬元,詐騙手法也是層出不窮,其中以「假投資」最為可惡,以假投資詐騙得手的金額高達16億9987.6萬元。 台灣一周被詐騙24億 根據內政部警政署設立「打詐儀錶板」網站,數據顯示,台灣自1月5日到11日一共被騙走24億7120.4萬元,其中又以6日及10日損失最慘重,分別達5.4億元及4.6億元。 而分析發現,這些詐騙案中以「假詐騙投資」手法為大宗,多達855件、遭詐金額為16.9億元;其次為「網路購物詐騙」,累計517件、財損2064萬元;第三則是「假買家騙賣家詐騙」,共373件、財損359.7萬元。 警政署提醒,防詐4點如下: 1、投資,請循合法管道;私人投資管道,絕對沒有保障。 2、聽見「保證獲利」、「穩賺不賠」、「低風險高回報」,絕對是詐騙。 3、不要下載來路不明的投資APP。 4、網銀帳密,不要提供陌生人。
另外,165打詐儀錶板網站也列出與假詐騙投資相關的「詐騙關鍵字」,提醒民眾千萬別上當: 1、免費領取投資秘笈 2、投資書籍限時免費領取 3、股票健檢、持股診斷 4、ETF投資分享 5、LINE投資群組股票分析、操盤教學 6、內線消息當沖佈局,跟著大戶當沖獲利 7、優先低價申購新股 8、掌握股票抽籤系統漏洞必中籤 9、AI投資機器人
10、資金透過投資APP直接進入交易所,具有優先買賣權 11、 虛擬貨幣投資獲利計劃,投入越多獲利越多,獲利後需收取看似合理的服務費 12、臨櫃匯款或轉帳不可備註原因 13、叮囑臨櫃匯款須告知行員為工程款/房屋修繕裝潢款/借親友錢(因保密條款不可說為投資,外資會遭打壓/警方在查內線交易) 14、由專員面交收取下單儲值金額,收取後由專員協助儲值進公司系統 15、金管會通知出金需先繳納稅金 16、為避免涉及洗錢。需繳納自證金 17、交易量龐大,需先繳交擔保金給金管會審核撥款 18、系統偵測交易風險,需繳納風險認證金 Kenny Rogers-Coward of the county Subtitulado Evryone considered him the coward of the county. Hed never stood one single time
to prove the county wrong.
His mama named him Tommy,
the folks just called him yellow,
But something always told me
they were reading Tommy wrong.
He was only ten years old when his daddy died in prison.
I looked after Tommy cause he was my brothers son.
I still recall the final words my brother said to Tommy:
"Son, my life is over, but yours is just begun.
Promise me, son, not to do the things Ive done.
Walk away from trouble if you can.
Now it wont mean youre weak
if you turn the other cheek.
I hope youre old enough to understand:
Son, you dont have to fight to be a man."
Theres someone for evryone
and Tommys love was Becky.
In her arms he didnt have to prove he was a man.
One day while he was workin
the Gatlin boys came callin.
They took turns at Becky....
n there was three of them!
Tommy opened up the door and saw his Becky cryin.
The torn dress, the shattered look was
more than he could stand.
He reached above the fireplace
and took down his daddys picture.
As his tears fell on his daddys face,
He heard these words again:
"Promise me, son, not to do the things Ive done.
Walk away from trouble if you can.
Now it wont mean youre weak
if you turn the other cheek.
I hope youre old enough to understand:
Son, you dont have to fight to be a man."
The Gatlin boys just laughed at him
when he walked into the barroom.
One of them got up and met him
halfway cross the floor.
When Tommy turned around they said,
"Hey look! ol yellows leavin."
But you coulda heard a pin drop
when Tommy stopped and locked the door.
Twenty years of crawlin was bottled up inside him.
He wasnt holdin nothin back; he let em have it all.
When Tommy left the barroom not a
Gatlin boy was standin.
He said, "This ones for Becky,"
as he watched the last one fall.
And I heard him say,
"I promised you, Dad, not to do the things you done.
Ive walked away from trouble when I can.
Now please dont think Im weak,
I didnt turn the other cheek,
and Papa, I sure hope you understand:
Sometimes you gotta fight when youre a man."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XT0KhHqpEXw |
( 時事評論|社會萬象 ) |