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2024/12/26 06:56:01瀏覽99|回應0|推薦0 | |
快訊/高雄男爬台中八仙山突倒地 CPR救不回!死因待查 ETtoday新聞雲記者許權毅、李陳信得/台中報導 高雄一名57歲周男14日參與一行15人登山團到台中八仙山,結果在爬山途中、步道5k附近左右時,突然倒地不起。警消昨日約14時接獲報案,頂著低溫挺進山區,約莫19時抵達現場,發現周男已死亡,後續由消防隊救護車載運遺體至裡冷橋,與禮儀社交接,死因待查。
八仙山國家森林遊樂區氣溫相當低,根據中央氣象署資料,今早9時僅有9度,體感溫度更只有7度左右,屬於非常寒冷。 https://today.line.me/tw/v2/article/7NW5RxZ?utm_source=lineshare The Last Farewell ~ Roger Whittaker Theres a ship lies rigged and ready in the harbor Tomorrow for old England she sails Far away from your land of endless sunshine To my land full of rainy skies and gales And I shall be aboard that ship tomorrow Though my heart is full of tears at this farewell For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly More dearly than the spoken word can tell For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly More dearly than the spoken word can tell Ive heard theres a wicked war a-blazing And the taste of war I know so very well Even now I see the foreign flag a-raising Their guns on fire as we sail into hell I have no fear of death, it brings no sorrow But how bitter will be this last farewell For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly More dearly than the spoken word can tell For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly More dearly than the spoken word can tell Though death and darkness gather all about me My ship be torn apart upon the seas I shall smell again the fragrance of these islands And the heaving waves that brought me once to thee And should I return home safe again to England I shall watch the English mist roll through the dell For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly More dearly than the spoken word can tell For you are beautiful, I have loved you dearly More dearly than the spoken word can tell |
( 時事評論|環保生態 ) |