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2024/09/02 05:41:09瀏覽488|回應0|推薦5 | |
貓狗臨終前會出現哪些跡象?當這「四種變化」出現就需做好心理準備! 火報記者 洪瑜蓉 / 綜合報導 許多家庭都會飼養寵物來陪伴自己,其中貓咪與狗狗是最多人的選擇之一,牠們不僅能夠帶給主人心靈上的療癒,也能在主人勞累與情緒低落時給予安慰,不過大部分貓狗的壽命平均落在10至20年,不少飼主會擔心沒有陪伴牠們好好走完最後一程,但實際上當貓狗臨終前可以從幾點跡象看出,當這些徵兆出現時飼主就應該做好心理準備。
1.身體變化 貓咪與狗狗因年齡或者疾病接近生命盡頭時,往往最直接能從身體狀況上看出,例如當牠們的體重突然下降、眼睛凹陷看起來無神、活動力明顯變差等。
2.心理變化 貓咪與狗狗越接近臨終時,牠們的個性會發生巨大改變,以前總是面帶笑容熱情的牠們,性格會開始變得孤僻,甚至尋找家中的角落躲藏,不願意與人接觸。 貓狗臨終前可能會出現活動力會下降與食慾不振,甚至獨自躲藏不願意與人接近
3.行為變化 若是當你發現家中的貓咪與狗狗活動量明顯下降,不願意起來走動,對周遭的環境警覺性降低,睡眠時間變得不規則,又時不時頻繁地發出怪聲,這可能代表牠們正在走上生命的最後一段旅途。
4.健康變化 越是接近臨終的貓咪與狗狗,牠們可能會出現食慾不振,甚至拒絕進食與喝水的情況,每天總是表現得渾渾噩噩、異常疲憊,更嚴重者還會發生嘔吐與腹瀉,以及呼吸上的困難,此時飼主應多多陪伴牠們,以免將來後悔莫及。 https://firenews.com.tw/2024/08/27/貓狗臨終前會出現哪些跡象?當這「四種變化」出/
* Try To Remember ~ Nana Mouskouri 1972 Try to remember the kind of September When life was slow and oh so mellow. Try to remember the kind of September When grass was green and the grain was yellow. Try to remember the kind of September When you were young and the callow fellow. Try to remember and if you remember then follow follow. (Try to remember) when life was so tender When no-one wept except the willow. Try to remember when life was so tender When dreams were kept beside your pillow. Try to remember when life was so tender When love was an ember about to billow. Try to remember and if you remember then follow follow. Deep in December its nice to remember Although you know the snow will follow. Deep in December its nice to remember Without a hurt the heart will hollow. Deep in December its nice to remember The fire of September that made you mellow. Deep in December our hearts should remember and follow follow. |
( 時事評論|社會萬象 ) |