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2024/6/27 溪頭天文台環型縱走
2024/07/26 05:32:27瀏覽574|回應0|推薦8

2024/6/27 溪頭天文台環型縱走 登山步道(857、1090)、鳳凰林道(3.1k~5.7k)、神木步道均暢通安全。 上山:舊大門、苗圃、銀杏森林、櫻花亭、登山步道(857、1090),下山全程走鳳凰林道(5.7公里~神木),神木步道,教育館,舊大門。 氣象預報山區雷陣雨襲台,天文台人潮銳減,走857、1090登山步道也少很多。 早上陽光乍現,10:00隨後雲霧茫茫,全程雲霧繚繞。

後記心得 看到猴子在拔芒草芯吃,可惜動作太快啦!

走到神木步道時,看到溪頭森林遊樂區的研究人員發現台灣鷦眉(鱗胸鷦鷯)/Taiwan-Wren-Babbler,又名鱗胸鷦鶥、小鷦眉,在林下活動跳躍。 蝴蝶在冇骨消的花叢間飛行採蜜。



Eagles - Take It Easy (Live on MTV 1994) (Official Video) [HD]

Well, Im a-running down the road

Tryin to loosen my load

Ive got seven women on my mind

Four that wanna own me

Two that wanna stone me

One says shes a friend of mine

Take it easy, take it easy

Dont let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy

Lighten up while you still can

Dont even try to understand

Just find a place to make your stand

And take it easy

Well, Im a-standing on a corner

In Winslow, Arizona

Such a fine sight to see

Its a girl, my Lord

In a flat-bed Ford

Slowin down to take a look at me

Come on, baby

Dont say "Maybe"

I gotta know

If your sweet love

Is gonna save me

We may lose and we may win

Though we will never be here again

So open up, Im climbin in

So take it easy

Well, Im running down the road

Trying to loosen my load

Got a world of trouble on my mind

Lookin for a lover

Who wont blow my cover

Shes so hard to find

Take it easy, take it easy

Dont let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy

Come on, baby

Dont say "Maybe"

I gotta know

If your sweet love Is gonna save me

Oh we got it easy We oughta take it easy


"Take It Easy“是美國搖滾樂隊 Eagles 的首支單曲,由 Jackson Browne 和 Eagles 樂隊成員 Glenn Frey 創作,他也擔任主唱。它於 1972 年 5 月 1 日發行,並於 1972 年 7 月 22 日在 Billboard Hot 100 排行榜上排名第 12 位。[3][4]這首歌也是樂隊同名首張專輯的開場曲,並已成為他們的標誌性歌曲之一,收錄在他們所有的現場和合輯中。它被列為搖滾名人堂塑造搖滾樂的 500 首歌曲之一。

( 在地生活中彰投 )
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