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2024/6/6 斷腸日溪頭天文台環型縱走
2024/06/26 05:45:04瀏覽294|回應0|推薦6

2024/6/6 溪頭天文台環型縱走

活動描述 上山:舊大門、苗圃、銀杏森林、櫻花亭、登山步道(857、1090),下山全程走鳳凰林道(5.7公里~3.1公里),登山步道(875)、銀杏森林、苗圃。


氣象預報午後雷陣雨襲台,天文臺人潮銳減,走857、1090登山步道也少很多。 早上雲霧茫茫,10:30之後全程雲霧繚繞微雨。


6月6日不是斷腸時,來到溪頭爬山攻頂,雲霧繚繞飄飄雨,那麼來個「濕背秀」! 鳳凰林道4.0公里,遇到猴群行軍。


The Mills Brothers - Yellow Bird

Yellow Bird

Up high in banana tree

Yellow Bird

You sit all alone like me

Did your lady friend

Leave your nest again

This is very sad

Makes me feel so bad

You can fly away

In the sky away

Youre more lucky than me

I also had a pretty girl

Shes not with me today

Theyre all the same

The pretty girls

Take tenderness

Then they fly away

Yellow Bird

Up high in banana tree

Yellow Bird

You sit all alone like me

Let her fly away

In the sky away

Pick a town and soon

Take from night to noon

Black and yellow you

Like banana too

They might pick you someday

Wish that I were a yellow bird

Id fly away with you

But I am not a yellow bird

So here I sit

Nothing else to do

Yellow Bird Yellow Bird Yellow Bird


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