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2024/02/28 05:32:23瀏覽548|回應0|推薦5 | |
2024.02.06.天寒地凍 經過鳳凰林道5.5K藍腹鷴邂逅 這隻藍腹鷴是雄性單身 慢慢走過來 在身旁繞了一圈 爬上坡坎山壁 直接往陵線翻山越嶺往南嶺步道 沿路還看到銹色鐵線蓮、山櫻花、梅花、李花、山茶花、玉山石竹等等 山石竹(學名:Dianthus pygmaeus Hayata),石竹科石竹屬,多年生草本植物,花期四~十一月[1]。除了玉山外,在台灣中部的清境農場,合歡山及八通關古道都有發現。由於高山植物開花普遍較平地為晚,所以在清境農場,玉山石竹開放在五六月份,合歡山北峰卻是七月開放。 玉山石竹特產台灣中、高海拔山區之空曠地,整個島上 1500 至 3000 公尺,位於多岩石的地方和路邊,相當普遍。高山植物由於低溫、低氣壓、多霧、多風,植物體為忍受惡劣的環境,常形成葉密被毛絨或蠟質,或葉片肥厚,或葉緣反捲。加上土壤乾旱,地表又多為裸岩、岩屑石礫地、碎石坡等,普遍生長低矮。 發現地點在溪頭苗圃的石牆上 藍腹鷴20240206影片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVm_o_uYhfU Bette Midler - The Rose (Live Divine Miss Millenium) Some say love, it is a river That drowns the tender reed Some say love, it is a razor That leaves your soul to bleed Some say love, it is a hunger An endless aching need I say love, it is a flower And you, its only seed Its the heart, afraid of breaking That never learns to dance Its the dream, afraid of waking That never takes the chance Its the one who wont be taken Who cannot seem to give And the soul, afraid of dying That never learns to live When the night has been too lonely And the road has been too long And you think that love is only For the lucky and the strong Just remember in the winter Far beneath the bitter snows Lies the seed that with the suns love In the spring becomes the rose |
( 在地生活|中彰投 ) |