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比亞金星尺前翅長約 19-22mm,頭部與體軀黃色並有多量黑色點斑;前翅寬,頂角呈弧形,底色白色,基部至亞基部黃色帶暗色斑塊,灰色斑塊集中於翅身前中段與中後段以及外緣中段,而以前中段者最為明顯而有時相接成大面積斑暈,後中段近內緣1/5段具有黃色斑暈;後翅寬,後中段具有排列為弧形之細小點斑,其近內緣處摻黃色暈斑,外緣多少摻有灰色斑塊。外觀近似比亞金星尺蛾(Abraxas persimplex),然本種翅身各斑塊面積較大而可作初步辨識。


8 ℃的雨滴和汗水





Johnny Horton - North to Alaska (Official Audio)

Way up north (north to Alaska) Way up north (north to Alaska)

North to Alaska Were goin north, the rush is on North to Alaska

Were goin north, the rush is on

Big Sam left Seattle in the year of ninety-two

With George Pratt his partner, and brother Billy too

They crossed the Yukon River and found a bonanza gold

Below that old white mountain, just a little southeast of Nome

Sam crossed the majestic mountains

To the valleys far below He talked to his team of huskies

As he mushed on through the snow

With the northern lights a-runnin wild In the land of the midnight sun

Yes, Sam McCord was a mighty man In the year of nineteen-one

Where the river is windin Big nuggets theyre finding

North to Alaska Were goin north, the rush is on

Way up north (north to Alaska) Way up north (north to Alaska)

North to Alaska

Were goin north, the rush is on North to Alaska

Were goin north, the rush is on

George turned to Sam with his gold in his hand

Said "Sam youre a-lookin

At a lonely, lonely man Id trade all the gold thats buried in this land

For one small band of gold to place

On sweet little Jennys hand You might also like

Billie Eilish "Cause a man needs a woman To love him all the time

Remember Sam, a true love is So hard to find Id build for my

Jenny A honeymoon home

Below that old white mountain

Just a little southeast of Nome"

Where the river is windin

Big nuggets theyre finding

North to Alaska Were goin north, the rush is on

North to Alaska Were goin north, the rush is on

Way up north (north to Alaska) Way up north (north to Alaska)

Way up north (north to Alaska) Way up north (north to Alaska)


north to Alaska《阿拉斯加以北》是一部 1960 年的美國喜劇西部/北方電影,由亨利·海瑟薇約翰·韋恩執導。這張照片由韋恩與斯圖爾特·格蘭傑厄尼·科瓦奇法比安卡普辛主演。劇本改編自 1939 年拉迪斯拉斯·福多 (Ladislas Fodor) 的戲劇《生日禮物》,背景設定在諾姆淘金熱期間。

阿拉斯加於 1959 年作為第 49 個州加入聯邦,當時新聞很多。1959年初,20世紀福克斯宣佈將製作由約翰·韋恩主演、馬丁·拉金和約翰·李·馬欣編劇的《阿拉斯加人》(這三個人剛剛一起製作了《騎兵》)。這部電影是韋恩與20世紀福克斯公司簽訂的三部電影合同中的第一部。

主題曲在片頭的歌詞為電影的開頭提供了一個背景故事:山姆·麥考德(Sam McCord)於1892年與喬治·普拉特(George)和比利·普拉特(Billy Pratt)一起離開西雅圖,“越過育空河”,並“在諾姆東南方向的那座古老的白色山下發現了富礦黃金”。到1901年,山姆被稱為“一個強大的人”,他的搭檔喬治告訴他,“我願意用埋藏在這片土地上的所有黃金來換取一小條金子,放在可愛的小珍妮的手上。喬治覺得珍妮是他的「真愛」,他宣佈他將在發現黃金的同一座山下“為我的珍妮建造一個蜜月之家”。當山姆和安吉爾到達諾姆時,這首歌的器樂也在沙龍的鋼琴上演奏。


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