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寒流期間2山友攀池有山失溫送醫 無照硬闖遭開單還要賠搜救費
2024/02/09 05:32:54瀏覽312|回應0|推薦2

寒流期間2山友攀池有山失溫送醫 無照硬闖遭開單還要賠搜救費



台中消防局調查發現2人根本不具備緊急救護能力,將依法開罰1至5萬元,還要索取搜救費用。 陳男與陳女挑戰攀爬池有山,但山區在寒流來襲時驟降零度以下,山區瞬成雪海,陳女發現陳男出現失溫現象後急忙報警,消防局梨山分隊連夜出動4人重裝上山救援,接近凌晨4點終於找到2名山友。






Snowbird  Elvis Presley

Beneath this snowy mantle cold and clean

The unborn grass lies waiting

For its coat to turn to green

The snowbird sings the song he always sings

And speaks to me of flowers

That will bloom again in spring

When I was young my heart was young then too

Anything that it would tell me

Thats the thing that I would do

But now I feel such emptiness within

For the thing that I want most in lifes

The thing thing that I cant win

Spread your tiny wings and fly away

And take the snow back with you

Where it came from on that day

The one I love forever is untrue

And if I could you know that I would

Fly away with you

The breeze along the river seems to say

That hell only break me heart again

Should I decide to stay

So little snowbird take me with you

When you go

To that land of gentle breezes

Where the peaceful waters flow

Spread your tiny wings and fly away

And take the snow back with you

Where it came from on that day

The one I love forever is untrue

And if I could you know that I would

Fly away with you


( 時事評論社會萬象 )
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