Well, very commercialized love practise
戀愛 貿易
_________________ _____________________
Cosmetic Please!
會打扮 重包裝
Put some makeup Do some artwork
Design Phase軟硬体要整合
拿文憑BS MS PHD 搞証書CE, UL, RoHS
披金帶銀Add jewlery 附加僵值Added value
Product Matured, Alright! Good enough,
待嫁女兒心,No more degree 產品研癸成熟Freeze the development
Time to the market(商机最重要, 過時不候)
Don't get too old before it is too late
Product Survey and Market Research
篩選合適的對象 過濾出好的買主
有眼光 要識貨
Who's cool guy/gal! What is hot item
推銷自己 找机會讓產品曝光
Opportunity 鎖定目標 不可輕舉妄動
靠緣份 靠机會
寫情書 寫開發信
Dinner and Gift always work約會期勤接送多送禮
主動去約會 主動去拜訪
獻殷勤多待候 勤拜訪多服務
Fall in Love Man! 熱戀期
Sweet Talking Sales Talk
Best woman in the world Best product that I ever saw
I love you dearly I love your product like crazy
long term relationship long term business partner
Communication 溝通期
多交几個不吃虧 貸比三家生意經
講背景論家勢 讓排場論財力
Get the Deal First 一切成交再說
Go steady relation Keep good business relation
談收入來養家, 談產量 請報價
給承諾Commitment ? 婚前恊議最可靠 空口說白話,開張信用狀才可靠
想結婚, 要你說說看Propose a Marriage 要訂單,請他還個價Make an offer
先上車後補票Premarriage Sex 沒訂單先打樣Counter Sample
訂婚 Engagement 試產Trial order
末婚夫婦Fiance 貿易伙伴Binsiness partner
用心机, 成交還靠使手段
委曲求全,先入為主 低價先搶單
Someone special Unique product
以退為進 交期排很滿
How could you? 不奸不成商
我移情你別戀 我偷搶客户你暗中轉單
脚踏两條船 訂單怎可下在同一家
Agreement and Weddding Music please!
Match Maker! Match Maker! Make me a match, Find me a $-$ .....
正式簽約, 我含情你默默
Marriage Agreement Place an Order confirmation
下聘金 下訂金
Sign marriage Certificate結婚証書 Proforma Invoice please商業發票
Happiness and Security
要有儲蓄過日子 要有資金來週轉
Honeymoon! Get love one. Cheer! Received payment
Having baby Mass production
磨合期 配合期
Fulfill commitment Check product against counter sample
Baby delivery Release shipment
Complaining Complaining
你騙我, RMA退貸維修
別上床我不回家 別出貨我不下單
私下解決 私下解決
上法院 上法院
After Service後遺症
孩子教養問題 客户售後服務問題
另結新歡 再找新的Business partner
God knows eh! Life must keep going