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Happy New Year !!!
2009/01/19 20:05:10瀏覽990|回應2|推薦14


Dear all my beloved UDN friends


For better or worse, no matter where you are, what are you, and whomever you are....

I appology for all of you since I was too busy lately ( I run two company work and two additional part time business)


I was frustrated in these a couple of day,  all in a sudden, I was cooking and listen my favorate love song

I can't hold myself but to dance while my cooking.


Hence, I decided not to work tonight, but to write something here

I sold my apt last year and move in an apartment, small but cozy.

Tonight, I cook my favorite northern Chinese hot pot and baked nothern America

style of Simon fish filet.


It is the music, it is you, broght me back,
I cook, I sang, I dance .......
Now, I wrote, I write something for you, for all of you,


Again, my dear friends,

              for better or worse,  for rich or poor,  for handsome or beauty 

thanks for visiting me

miss and love you all

.★ * ★ .
          .*★ *. *             ★
         ★                        *
          ★                    .’
                        '`  -..  新年愉快.......@^.^@

Sweethearted Yuan 1.19. 2009 
                      Dance with Simon filet in my little cozy apartment

( 心情隨筆男女話題 )
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Happy New Year
2009/01/25 23:09

Nice to read your latest article.

Come in and say " May you be happy and HEALTHY".

Tonight is a special night to get together with family. But it is also important to be with oneself.

Don't work too hard. Try to have a relaxing break from time to time, even do nothing.

I admire that you cook yourself your favorite food.

Haha, it is great to let music, dance, good food, and good mood accompany you all the time.

Good luck and have a great 2009.

風雨作家- 祝心想事成 健康ˇ(sweetheartyuan) 於 2009-01-27 20:28 回覆:

Thank you Helen;

Thanks for visiting me  and your advise

You are right, I should slow down my life path, in particularly not to over work myslf.

but to take a break from time to time even thought sitting and doing nothing.

Yuan 1.27.2009

Happy New Year to you too
2009/01/20 09:28

Thanks for sharing this.  It’s very nice that you had a great time.  Happy new year to you too!

風雨作家- 祝心想事成 健康ˇ(sweetheartyuan) 於 2009-01-20 21:55 回覆:

Dear Dr. Composting;

Thanks and wish you as well as all the oversea's friend will enjoy Chinese new year

Although, you guys and gals are working hard in that far far away country

Sweetheart Yuan