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2022/09/11 10:40:45瀏覽920|回應1|推薦14 | |
秋收豐盛心感謝 佳餚誘人難阻擋 節日看花兼賞月 一輪明月空中掛 家和萬興事業發 團聚餐桌百福到 圓滿人生因有祂 Celebrate the joyful moon festival of Central Kingdom In appreciation of abundant harvests in autumn How are delicacies irresistible for their attraction As we enjoy flowers and moon for their shine Hanging high in the sky is the bright moonlight In harmony families are prosperous with delight Gathering around the cafe table with fruitful blessing For He gives us fulfilling life JSL, 2022.9.9 ========= 蘇軾的《水調歌頭》,原唱鄧麗君: ==================== 十國語言唱響中秋,中國詩詞大師蘇軾近千年《水調歌頭》的思念+祝福:但願人長久,千里共嬋娟! https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/SLtQAuzS0u_3n_Uz3X2ZBg |
( 心情隨筆|校園筆記 ) |