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2021/10/12 20:03:48瀏覽649|回應0|推薦14 | |
中國印記-萬里長城 China’s Imprint - Great Wall 中原防衛北基地, 國際聞名太驚奇; 印象深刻難描述, 記載歷史有根基。 萬年風雨還綺麗, 里程之遠是奇蹟; 長江黃河可比擬, 城北城南皆兄弟。 The north defense line of Central Kingdom A surprise of being globally known Hard to describe its impression from imagination Yet it records the past as a foundation Through thousands of years still splendidly standing What a miracle for its significant length Only Yellow river and Chang-jiang can be of comparison North and south residents are all brethren ================== JSLieh,2021.10.11 ================== |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |