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2021/06/07 05:06:52瀏覽1016|回應1|推薦48 | |
1)Luchai (Wang Wei) 2) A Letter to Agnes De Mille And If you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly Keep the channel open… There is no satisfaction whatever at anytime Martha Graham Note: In November 2011, Asia Society and the Aspen Institute’s U.S.-China Forum on the Arts and Culture hosted a cultural exchange in Beijing at the National Center for the Performing Arts of China. The event grouped musicians, artists, and works from different cultures with one another, and the segment that stole the show paired cellist Yo-Yo Ma with actress Meryl Streep. In their performance, Streep read a Tang Dynasty poem by Wang Wei and a letter from Martha Graham to Agnes DeMille on the creative process while Ma played elements of George Crumb‘s concerto for solo cello. But the moment that would be remembered came directly after the performance when Streep knelt and bowed down to Ma in a gesture of respect, which he reciprocated. Then, in a light-hearted bout of one-upmanship, both continued to sink lower and lower to the ground until they each lay face down, fully prostrate. The mostly Chinese audience, which included Politburo member Liu Yandong, erupted in applause. Reference:#TBT: In 2011, Meryl Streep and Yo-Yo Ma Bow Down to One Another (December 10th, 2015 ) https://asiasociety.org/blog/asia/tbt-2011-meryl-streep-and-yo-yo-ma-bow-down-one-another 鹿柴. 王維. 空山不見人, 致艾格尼丝·德米尔(玛莎·格雷厄姆 )保持心灵畅通 有种活力, 如果你将你的这个通道阻死了,它也不会通过其它的媒体表达, 你所要做的只是鲜明地保持你自己的表达方式, 參考:https://www.wenxuecity.com/blog/201908/47690/943.html 2011年11月,亞洲協會(Asia Society)和阿斯彭研究所(Aspen Institute)的美中藝術文化論壇(US-China Forum on the Arts and Culture)在北京的中國國家大劇院(National Center for the Performing Arts)舉辦了一次文化交流活動.活動將來自不同文化的音樂家、藝術家和作品聚集在一起,而最引人注目的部分是大提琴演奏家馬友友和女演員梅麗爾·斯特里普的搭檔。在他們的演出中,斯特里普朗誦了王維的唐詩和瑪莎·格雷厄姆寫給艾格尼絲·德米爾的一封關於創作過程的信,而馬演奏了喬治·克拉姆大提琴獨奏協奏曲的元素。 但最讓人難忘的時刻是在演出結束後,梅麗爾向馬友友跪了下來,以示敬意,馬友友也做出了回應。然後,在一場輕鬆的比拼中,兩人繼續往地面下沉,越來越低,直到兩人臉朝下倒在地上,完全趴下。包括政治局委員劉延東在內的大部分中國觀眾爆發出熱烈的掌聲。 兩位頂級藝術家爭相膜拜對方的畫面,讓在場觀眾無不被他們的謙遜品格所感動。 |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |