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2017/07/30 16:32:40瀏覽275|回應0|推薦2 | |
芸芸眾生降生紅塵;喜怒哀樂酸甜苦辣嘗遍人生, 佛的慈悲接引眾生,奈何累世輪迴罪業不止, 未得清淨容顏;日日夜夜苦惱困惑無法解脫, 佛堂渡眾開啟一扇法門,讓眾生得以安然自在! Mortal beings born Red; emotions tasted the ups and downs of life, Buddha's compassion creatures great, but since the cycle lifetimes than sin,Without clean appearance; nights distressed inextricable confusion,Open a Famen temple crossing the congregation, so that all beings be better odds! 然而,眾生卻因終日汲營追求;心境紛擾庸碌不已,不得其門而入,這條「道」路上走得辛苦。 道場為讓眾生得以「明理究竟」,特開立班期(課程),企盼法雨的滋潤能給予眾生智慧的啟示與協助!
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |