Yesterday when I was young ( 昨日當我年輕時 ) Glenn Campbell 葛倫坎伯
2013/11/08 09:51:48瀏覽746|回應0|推薦0
Yesterday when I was young(昨日當我年輕時)
Glenn Campbell 葛倫坎伯 Yesterday when I was young 昨日當我年輕時 The taste of life was sweet like rain upon my tongue 生命的滋味甜美如同舌尖上的雨水 I teased at life as if it were a foolish game 我嘲笑人生,笑它是個愚蠢的遊戲 The way an evening breeze would tease a candle flame 以向晚的微風吹弄燭火的方式 The thousand dreams I dreamed 我做過的千百個夢 The splendid things I planned 我計劃過的冠冕堂皇的事 I always built to last on weak and shifting sand 我總是建築在脆弱而流動的沙土上 I lived by night 我過著夜生活 and shunned the naked light of the day 避開白天的陽光 And only now I see how the years have run away 如今只能看著這些歲月溜走 Yesterday when I was young 昨日當我年輕時 There were so many songs that waiting to be sung 有太多的歌待唱 So many wild pleasures that lay in store for me 太多狂野的享樂在店裡等我 And so much pain my dazzled eyes refused to see 太多的苦痛我那昏眩的雙眼不願看見 I ran so fast that time and youth at last ran out 我衝得太快,時光與青春終於消逝 And I never stopped to think what life was all about 我從不曾停下來思考生命的意義 And every conversation that I can recall 如今我記得的每一席對話 Concerned itself with me and nothing else at all 和我有關的都是一片空白 Yesterday the moon was blue 昨日當月亮是藍色的 And every crazy day brought something new to do 每個瘋狂的日子總有新鮮事要做 And I used my magic age as if it were a wand 我將這段奇幻歲月像魔杖一般使用 And never saw the waste and emptiness beyond 卻看不見未來的荒蕪及空白 The game of love I played with arrogance and pride 在愛情遊戲中,我玩弄著狂妄和尊嚴 And every flame I lit so quickly quickly died 我點燃的火焰很快就熄滅 The friends I made all seemed somehow to drift away 我結交的朋友最終都離散 And only I am left on stage to end the play 只剩我留在舞台上演完這齣戲 Yesterday when I was young 昨日當我年輕時 There were so many songs that waiting to be sung 有太多的歌待唱 So many wild pleasures lay in store for me 太多狂野的享樂在店裡等我 And so much pain my dazzled eyes refused to see 太多的苦痛我那昏眩的雙眼不願看見
There are so many songs in me that won't be sung 我心裡有太多的歌不能唱 Cause I feel the bitter taste of tears upon my tongue 只因我嚐到了舌尖上淚水的苦澀 The time has come for me 時候到了 to pay for yesterday when I was young 我得為年輕的時候付出代價 願慈悲的諸佛菩薩﹑仁慈的耶穌基督護持你 〜阿擂西蒙あれしもんAresimon〜