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2010/05/26 05:25:55瀏覽805|回應3|推薦12 | |
Tofu is a soft white food made by coagulating soy milk, and then pressing the resulting curds into blocks. It is of Chinese origin, and part of East Asian and Southeast Asian cuisine such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian, Vietnamese and others. There are many different varieties of tofu, including fresh tofu and tofu that has been processed in some way. Tofu has very little flavor or smell on its own, so it can be used either in savory or sweet dishes, and is often seasoned or marinated to suit the dish. Three main types of tofu are available: Firm tofu is dense and solid and holds up well in stir fry dishes, soups, or on the grill... anywhere that you want the tofu to maintain its shape. Firm tofu also is higher in protein, fat and calcium than other forms of tofu. Soft tofu is a good choice for recipes that call for blended tofu, or in Oriental soups. Silken tofu is made by a slightly different process that results in a creamy, custard-like product. Silken tofu works well in pureed or blended dishes. In Japan, silken tofu is enjoyed "as is," with a touch of soy sauce and topped with chopped scallions. Stinky tofu is a form of fermented tofu that has a strong odor. It is a popular snack in East and Southeast Asia, particularly Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia and Mainland China, where it is usually found at night markets or roadside stands or as a side dish. Health Benefits of Eating Tofu · Tofu has high amounts of the trace mineral selenium which is very important for the proper functioning of the antioxidant system. A good antioxidant system helps reduce the level of free radicals (harmful) in the body. Due to its powerful antioxidant actions, selenium helps prevent the occurrence of colon cancer - by protecting colon cells from cancer causing toxins, reduces asthma and also aids in the prevention of certain heart diseases and arthritic symptoms. · Studies have indicated that a mere 4 ounces of tofu each day provides around 14.45 of the daily beneficial fat requirement. This beneficial fat or Omega-3- helps control erratic heart rhythms, reduces clotting of blood inside arteries and improves the ratio of good HDL to bad LDL. · A good source of iron, tofu helps in the process of energy production. The iron present in tofu is mainly used as a part of hemoglobin and helps in the transport and release of oxygen throughout the body. · The copper present in tofu helps in reducing the painful symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Along with manganese, copper also aids the production of an oxidative enzyme called superoxide dismutase. This enzyme is very important in the removal of certain free radicals produced within the mitochondria. · Tofu contains certain phytoestrogens, like isoflavones, genistein and diadzein, which are very helpful in alleviating the side effects associated with menopause, like hot flashes, and postmenopausal osteoporosis. · The calcium present in tofu helps reduce the rate of bone loss associated with menopause. The mineral is also very useful in arthritic conditions, which result in considerable amount of bone loss from the body. · Recent studies have also indicated that regular intake of soy protein helps reduce levels in the body. Thus, it is seen that tofu is very beneficial for people suffering from atherosclerosis or diabetic heart disease. · Easy to digest - An additional benefit of tofu is that it is extremely easy to digest. This is because the soybean's fiber is removed during the manufacturing process. · Reduce cholesterol - As most other soyfoods, tofu reduces heart disease by lowering the level of the “bad" LDL cholesterol, and as the result maintaining the level of "good" HDL cholesterol.
( 休閒生活|美食 ) |