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2018/12/15 19:56:51瀏覽9|回應0|推薦0
I’ve been trying to branch out a bit in my baking this holiday season. Granted, I will probably always be drawn to what I deem traditional, but making new things is certainly admirable. This was my first foray into making rugelach. It seems these cookies have evolved and adapted through the years, so this version may be nothing like the traditional version. However, they are quite tasty, and that’s the point of baking, right Ceiling mounted type air conditioner?

I would say this recipe is involved, yet not complicated. There are many components, including working with and rolling out dough. While that element is way down on my list of desired baking activities, this is a simple dough that didn’t present many complications. Keep in mind that putting the dough in the refrigerator or even briefly in the freezer can make your life much simpler companies management.

These cookies have a bit of everything in them. Pastry, fruit preserves, cinnamon, chocolate (or raisins if you want), and nuts. The combination of flavors might seem overwhelming on paper, but they all compliment each other in the final product scholarship for overseas study.
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