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Fruit Salad with Thai Herbs
2018/11/09 13:48:34瀏覽4|回應0|推薦0
Were ramping up to peak summer fruit season, aka fruit salad season, here in San Francisco. I stocked up at the weekend market, and had a bonus windfall thanks to this thoughtful lady. It is fruit madness in the refrigerator. Im looking at tiny black raspberries, the sweetest blueberries, cherries, peaches, nectarines, strawberries, and pluots. No complaints juris doctor hong kong

Those of you who have been reading for a while know I love a quick fruit salad, particularly if it has a little wink, or twist, or surprise. One of my past favorites is this version made with plump strawberries, sweet cherries, lemon zest, and coriander brown sugar. Today I decided to throw together a new version using lemongrass, lemon and lime juices, and plenty of mint. Toasted walnuts added a bit of crunch. Give it a try, the honey-lemongrass dressing with mint works not only in this summer version, but with other fruit combinations as well apartments for rent Hong Kong.

If you live in a more tropical environment, I imagine a pineapple and mango version would be incredible hong kong apartment for rent.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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