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casually writing
2018/10/12 12:50:23瀏覽15|回應0|推薦0
I onced read an article explainning why we feel lonely when we are getting age as we losing freinds during the times when we are getting age. Believe it or not. Myself find out the same. But i am an introvert person so that I was lack of the social communication skill with social activity. So shame of myself! Thinking that I am a sales guy Sage 300.

The world is big, but the individual activity space is usually limited! I do not have big dream about travelling the world. I just hope to become something useful. Nothing is easy in this world. If we want something, we have to fight for it. This is really the living and surviving philosophy register a hong kong company.

Maybe heart is getting hard and stiff. we found we are not easy to get moved too. When I found beggar in the street, I felt nothing for most of time.

Each of us we have this or that kind of pressure, nobody is really happy. Maybe few of people who get happy, but I know it is not easy to be happy as there is really tough in the reality life scholarship for overseas study.

Childhood time maybe be happy, really? I had a lot of housework without done which usaully put me into the worrying situation. Exam is another threaten that I was worring for most of time during my school days.

How can get rid of those worrysome, fear, weakness? You have to get a strong heart. How to get a strong heart, I personally think excersise is inevital to having a strong heart. I have to make my physical strong first then my mind too.

My legs are a little bit ach as i went for mountain climbing day before yesterday.

otherwise, I quited few days without drinking tea as I got a terrible cold cough.

I hope things are all getting fine
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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