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Detroit weekend, too condensed
2018/08/24 08:54:40瀏覽6|回應0|推薦0
We went to Detroit last weekend, a quick overnight trip to hang out with our older daughter Claire, grab a couple of meals out and maybe do a little shopping. As 

happens every time we go to Detroit these days, we did/saw/thought/felt so much more hong kong due diligence.

My intent this week was to write about our adventures, and about the open spirit and creative energy that abounds in the city. It is in the air, palpable, wherever 

you go. Unfortunately, my creative energy is on the low side right now, and I’m on deadline. So here are just a few quick highlights electric motor manufacturers.

We ate lunch at Tacos El Caballo, the taco truck that famously trolled then-candidate Trump in 2016 when he spoke at an African American church in Detroit.

We visited Third Man Records, Jack White’s record store in Midtown. You can buy things there—and we did—but it’s really designed as just a cool place to hang 

out, one of White’s tributes to his hometown hong kong serviced apartment harbour view.

We attended the 6th annual Sidewalk Detroit, the city’s “most radical celebration of outdoor performance.” There, we watched PRIM, pictured above, build music 

in front of us, laying down loops of guitar and multiple vocal tracks, then performing over them.

When Detroit City Distillery proved too noisy for conversation Saturday night, we moved on to Two James Spirits, Detroit’s first licensed post-Prohibition 

distillery in Detroit’s oldest neighborhood, Corktown. The cocktails, the spirits and the space were all spot on.

My apologies for the too-brief, recipe-free post. We hope to be back with food next week.
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