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Don’t Try to Challenge Devil
2018/07/24 14:47:01瀏覽6|回應0|推薦0
With the development of economy, China is becoming stronger and catches the world’s attention. But here comes the problem that the rate of teenager criminals is increasing every year. Because of the open environment, teenagers are facing the culture shock and they can’t figure out the fact, which is easy to be seduced by devil Sage Online.

Teenagers are always favored by the devils, because they are young and innocent, which makes them the popular targets to make mistakes, such as smoking. When I was in middle school, I found many of my friends were smoking, which made me so shocked that they were so young and they felt so proud to follow the adults. It is known to all that smoking is harmful to our health while for some teenagers should be proud of doing it massage cushion.  

Teenagers are so curious about the new things. Some bad guys will try to set them up. A documentary recorded how the teenagers were seduced by the bad guys and did criminal things. If they had been more cared and educated, things would change. Though we are young, we should not step into the trap and controlled by the devils rent apartment Hong Kong.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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