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one essay of English literature midterm
2007/05/11 21:14:56瀏覽794|回應0|推薦1

The metaphysical elements are melancholy, love , spiritual and physical, rational, and conceit.  Metaphysical poets use equal spiritual and physical, but it has more rational. Then they use lots of conceits which talk about love in poetry.

        I think Donne prefers to physical love than spiritual love. I contrast physical and spiritual motif in “The Flea” and “The Canonization”. The flea first bites one, and there is one’s blood in its body, then it flies to bite another. Two kinds of blood are to be mixed up in one flea, just like Donne says, “And pampered swells with one blood made of two.” I think this progress represent their sexual behavior. But it’s different in “The Canonization”. This poem describes the same theme about love, but the strong point hidden is spiritual love. He uses some metaphors to discuss his points, like phoenix and canonization represent immortality. From this, it’s obviously that Donne also believe eternity. But it also appears that physical love sentence like “we’re tapers too, and at our own cost die”. In this poem, I think the sexual part are less than spiritual part, but I still think Donne prefers the physical love.

        Marvell and Donne also explain the carpe diem which is important because the life is too short to let us do whatever we want, so “do it right now” is the positive way. In Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress” that says “till the conversion of the Jew” to mean people can do happy things like courtship that lasting a whole life. The same as Donne’s “To His Mistress Going To Bed”, it’s full of sexual and physical love. He says body is a mystic book, and we should open it. Then we can learn what wonderful it is. Like his sentence ”must see revealed.”

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