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study note1 Rober Burns
2007/11/12 22:22:34瀏覽542|回應0|推薦2

Study Note about Robert Burns

        As a “heaven-taught ploughman” and pre-romantic poet, Robert Burns, born in Scottish, really play an important role in Romantic period. His writing style spontaneous overflows his native feeling and revives the Scottish literature. The poem  A Red, Red Rose is one of his famed lyric poem that let the rose become a representation of love. Whole poem uses simile and hyperbole to describe what the true meaning of love is. He uses “O my Luve’s like a red, red rose” and “O my Luve’s like the melodies” two sentences to express his opinion in the frame of love. Then he overstates everlasting love be a never dry sea and never decayed rocks. Now we can obviously perceive that Robert Burn’s enthusiasm about naturally observation.

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