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2012/05/06 00:28:26瀏覽149|回應0|推薦0


靈性之旅的大門將在 2012年12月12日打開

想想在2012年12月12日及 2012年12月21日,這兩天你會在哪?
即使這個地點只是你家後院, 也不要小看了這兩天
在後院找個安靜的角落, 或是舉行一個小儀式,

Your personal journey is the journey of humankind. Everyone’s third chakras can unite on and around 12.12.12, and be a fire on Earth to burn away the old ways and inflame the new. Once this gateway opens on 12.21.12 everything will have new possibilities seeded within, and nothing will really be the same from that point forward. Some will say nothing happened, but those in the know, will say that everything happened!

That said, give consideration to where you will be on 12.12.12 and 12.21.12. Be in a place that you feel is, or will be, a gateway place for you on December 12 and in a place to see fruition on December 21. The gateway for you may be to face a fear, or it may be a place that encourages you to come into a new power. It may be a place that you feel you can reconcile and bring new truth to the past. Perhaps it is a place that needs transformation and you will go to aid in that for the location, and for your soul. Even if the spot is your backyard, do not take it as if it is just another day. Make it a gateway day of import for your soul. Have a special ritual or create a sanctuary in your yard that will be your symbolic, and perhaps real, gateway to your next dimension of being.

Think big. Go beyond what your limits allowed in the past. Stretch yourself and use your imagination in the creation of your gateway and your following threshold. Do it all with a lightness of being, and a sense of soul purpose.

( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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