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2011/09/12 02:37:17瀏覽112|回應0|推薦0 | |
靈訊 世界動蕩不安, 人為或天然災害不斷, 如果你身在混亂中, 切記不要害怕, 保持冷靜, 當個旁觀者, "恐懼", "害怕" 只會火上添油, 不要讓負面情緒牽著走 世界正在改變, 會變成什麼模樣還是未知, 如果你能保持中立, 不要恐懼的去面對混亂, 你就已經是在幫忙 ______________________________________________________ Oneness transmission The choice, in the face of such a scenario, is to be aware of the dynamics of the process and not to contribute to the exacerbation of those conditions by giving in to fear of what, at face value, may appear ominous. It is only energy—playing out as symbolism. Choose, in the face of what might confront you, to step aside. Change your location. Meet adversity with non-resistance. Allow the circumstances seeking to play out to be as they are. You do not need to be drawn into the full blown drama—not unless that is what you wish to experience. The fact is, certain manifestations are, and will continue to be, taking place. And the energies that are fueling them will be released as a result. Whether you choose to remain in the face of those conditions is optional. Over time, one begins to be able to float over the surface of these kinds of illusory circumstances, contributing only the energy of one’s calm, centered Presence to the energy of the collective—declining the invitation of fear—knowing that abiding in one’s own inner peace is no less an option. That is the highest contribution that can be made under conditions where political volatility and global unrest are the order of the day. Allow these dramas to unfold, as they will. Allow the posturing and counter-posturing to play out, as is its inclination. Become the witness, present at the sidelines, making the ongoing contribution of your Presence, your stability, your augmented vibration. That is the most direct way to bring about the positive change you would most wish to have take place—simply by resisting the temptation to jump in and “set things right,” thereby fueling the fire. The transformation of your world is an inevitability that will come about. All that is yet to be determined is what will be experienced by each of you. That is a choice you are making in every ongoing moment—an opportunity enhanced exponentially by remembering who you really Are, in the heat of those moments. For, you Are Oneness incarnate—none other than That— having a physical experience within the context of a human form. Making the contribution to the collective of that level of Self-Awareness—and reaping the harvest of the inner peace that is your true nature—is the opportunity at hand, for each of you. |
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |