現在全世界天災人禍, 亂相紛呈, 造成不少人焦慮, 恐懼, 甚至憤怒
人類意識被負面的情緒綁架, 時時生活在被動,及無力感中,
覺得自己是 "被害者"
如果人類被負面情緒擺布, 那麼大家就無遐專注更重要的東西------心靈 (內在的力量)
(有群人是不希望人類意識覺醒的, 只要人類一天生活在恐懼憤怒中,
註: 中文部份乃個人體會, 非逐字翻譯
As long as self-interest and fear are stimulated, then judgment, anger and
disharmony will be the environment of the day. As long as the chaos is stimulated,
people willingly become entrapped in their lower aspects, offering allegiance
to whatever authority or political agenda that offers them a sense of safety.
A being of light is filled with co-creative power and offers healing and love
simply through its presence. To entrap such a being in a paradigm of fear and
limitation can only happen if the person’s consciousness is refracted
by judgment. Such a consciousness believes in separation and is thus furthering
the Allness as opposed to embracing Oneness.
The very chaos which stimulates ego-reactivity and entrapment also stimulates
our greater yearning for freedom. It awakens the recognition for those that
chose to see it, that something is missing. Thus we can use the chaotic outer
world to help us evolve our discernment. It is indeed a wake up call, and it
is time to answer the phone.
Freedom is actually scary to one who is contemplating their next step and it
is this fear that will either trap you or free you. The mind can only conceive
of freedom within the ideas of earth school. The mind fantasizes based upon
what it has experienced or dreamed. So we must go beyond the mind! When we clearly can embrace that the entire experience on earth is a hologram and has no reality of its own, we break free of the mind and clearly see the power of our co-creation.
如果說這句話其實在某種程度上是正確的, 你相信嗎?
如果你想要擺脫受害者的無力感, 想要追求終極的意識自由
首先你要從 "睡夢" 中醒來
This is the dream.
Yet, we find ourselves ‘here’ and in our collective awakening we
begin to delight at the complexity, the variety and the beauty of the Allness
that has supported the expression of ‘here’. However when we begin
talking about freedom and dimensional travel…what do we really know? Are
we dreaming about that, too?
True Freedom is much more than our liberation from our density experience.
Freedom is a state of empowerment. It is the anchoring of your power to command
Light without any doubt. It is when you have reclaimed a mastery that is not
limited by earth concepts since it has always been.
當你了解了, 看穿了, 人生不是只有一種可能性, 你就不再是個被害者,
意識上的自由會帶來無比的力量感, 讓你覺得人生的可能性倍增
So how do we truly understand freedom?
Our soul knows that the chaos here on earth is unnatural. Yet our identity
seeks to find “reasons” and “alignments” that support
us through our fears. This is the ultimate moment of freedom or entrapment!
It is the moment we break free of the stories, regardless of where they come
from, and remember that the dream is ours to co-create…we are not victims!
在這個關鍵時刻, 人類意識正在覺醒
放開負面情緒, 對周遭人, 事 常懷感激
Self-Ascension is as unique as you are! Self-Ascension opens the portals of
mastery through gentle and loving reassurance of the Archangelic realm and beyond,
without any interference in your personal growth experience.
Perhaps the ultimate rapture is before us when we allow ourselves to relax,
unwind, and simply say to the universe:
原文@ http://www.sriandkira.com/2011/article-what-is-the-rapture/