I can only do what I can do, and some days my priorities are with playing through Fable 3 again because video games are another thing I’m worried will be too time consuming for post-baby life. And since I spent my morning buying all the properties in Bowerstone and shooting hobbes, but still wanted dessert at night, I threw together this tart.
Forget everything you thought you knew about apples needing to be coated with cinnamon in order to be amazing. All they need is a little butter, sugar, and honey (AKA more sugar).
This dessert is basically something that looks so fancy and amazing that everyone will be like, “Holy shitballs, how many hours did you spend on that?!” And you can pretend you slaved away over a hot stove in the warm spring weather, but in reality you just chillaxed on the sofa watching stand-up comedy for a half hour while this puppy baked away.