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I love me some dip
2015/01/14 14:15:13瀏覽249|回應0|推薦0
I know I have been on a hiatus *sorry guys* box mod, but I’m back! I’m not going to bore you with the details of why I took a few months off (I’ll save that for another post)! I’m just going to say I have learned a lot about myself, my goals, and have made some new friends and reconnected with friends I lost touch with over the past two years. I don’t remember the last time I was this happy, but I’m rolling with it. Now on to the dip…

I love me some dip.

And with the Super Bowl right around the corner, it’s time for buffalo chicken ultherapy! I will put buffalo sauce on anything and everything (I’m weird like that). So of course buffalo chicken dip is one of my favorites. It’s super easy to make, very flavorful, and your friends will NOT stop eating it until it’s gone, seriously.

I’m throwing a mini get-together Super Bowl party, so of course I have to test out all the dips and wings and food that I’m going to make!

This can also be made into a healthy version, but why bother when it’s for a special occasion! You can also reduce the amount of buffalo sauce and blue cheese dressing you use, but I like it super creamy!

It feels good to be back in the kitchen after practically spending 3 months avoiding it Entrepreneurship Development!
( 興趣嗜好烹飪烘焙 )
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