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Dental..3 Decayed Teeth?
2016/06/11 19:51:02瀏覽49|回應0|推薦3

Mistakes make us who we are.

We would see what it’s about.

I spent the past two and half a days like water.

The only right thing I did was going to see dentists.

Yesterday Doctor Lin cleaned up and washed my teeth.

Miss Lin treated me coldly and claimed that I had three decayed teeth.

Plus, she said the tooth-washing and the tooth-filling cannot be handled at the same time.


There was a giant question mark emerging.

Anyway this morning I went to the same dental and the Mr. Chiang checked thoroughly and asked me to do the X-ray check for the possible decayed teeth.

It turned out to be just a misunderstanding since those were just aged with color instead of decayed teeth.

Great. So all in all, I got one decayed instead of two.

Fortunately the doctor Lin was not available today.


( 休閒生活雜記 )
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