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2021/03/01 14:18:24瀏覽80|回應0|推薦0

No big deal, but huge bill. 

The so-called well-known mama’s fried chicken was as dry as paper.
Some part of it was not that bad, but it was very greasy. 

The best highlight was the chicken wings. Sour and spicy. Even though I did not consider it as a hot dish, my husband said it was too spicy to taste it.

Never mind. It is the restaurante my roommate picked. And she is getting married. I could not blame her for cauing me spending around NT$1,000 each on lunch. 

The mojito saved the meal as well as the waffle with mochi inside at 4M****. Oh, the sweeeetness gave me a great great satisfaction. 

( 休閒生活雜記 )
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