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Healthy Lunchbox Made by myself
2016/02/17 22:49:08瀏覽55|回應0|推薦0

Soybeans, Sweeet Potatoes, Black Funges, brown Rice......

Those are my new favorite friends.

I love them and they love me.

Don't believe what I said?

Come check my toilet and see what the result is.

Fresh natural products produce a healthy body.

4 out of 6 my coworkers had caught a cold lately.

Thanks to those light meals and my healthy lifestyle.

Great digestion is the best gift I can get.

I believe the byproducts are my glowing face and slimmer body shape.

One more thing, tonight I worked out for 60 minutes on the sliding machine and got rid of 541 calories.

Fantastic, huh~

( 休閒生活雜記 )
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