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I-MEI Sweets
2009/01/29 13:08:18瀏覽386|回應0|推薦0

During Chinese New Year,
I ate a lot of snacks to pass time.
Among a variey of biscuits,
I recommend I-MEI Foods the best.
I-MEI Foods is always to my liking.
The charm of the brand is irresistible.

For instance,
My father seldom eats biscuits.
But he prefers to I-MEI foods. 
And it is made in Taiwan.
In addition,
the image of the brand shows reliability.
When it comes to tasty snacks,
I-MEI is second to one.
It also provides high quality foods.
That's why I choose the brand as my favorite one.

By the way,
Why don't I-MEI provide potato chips?

P.S The I-MEI Foods' pictures come from

( 休閒生活美食 )
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