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2015/02/22 22:13:36瀏覽27|回應0|推薦0
This is the new restaurant we both discovered last year.
We went there was simply out of my laziness.
One night I didn’t wanna cook, so we hunted food in the shopping mall.
Compared to the noise and crowd in the food street, Grazie is like the last holy land.
In addition, the atmosphere and the food are well-balanced.
Didn’t have high expectations, but pleasantly surprised.
I especially love its pasta and pizza.
The price is reasonable, too.
I still remember that we spent our Valentine’s Day in this restaurant as well.
That was a bargain.
We could get one free appetizer by a movie ticket. Isn’t it cool?
After seeing the movie “Grey”, we got the bonus out of the tickets.
Enjoying my spicy and delicious pasta with you beside a window in a cozy Saturday afternoon, can anything go better than this? You tell me.
( 休閒生活美食 )
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