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《出租女友》Rent A Girlfriend
2023/03/09 19:53:29瀏覽81|回應0|推薦0




Cai Shinan, who was nicknamed "the last virgin" by his colleagues, came from a rural area in southern Taiwan. He was frugal, introverted, and taciturn, and had worked in the technology industry for twenty years. Due to his poor communication skills and dislike of socializing, he remained in the same position as an assistant manager, while several of his former colleagues and subordinates were promoted above him. However, he was carefree and didnt care about it.

Most of his colleagues in the company knew about Cai Shinans background. He was not just a virgin by name, as he lived a celibate life, never got involved in scandals, and never set foot in nightclubs or other such places. In his eyes, female colleagues had no gender or distinction, and even when his colleagues tried to set him up with someone, he declined. However, he was not a "homosexual," as he was not interested in either men or women. He simply lived a solitary life.

One day, he received a call from his father, who informed him that his mother had been diagnosed with liver cancer and had only six months left to live. His father asked him to find a partner and get married before his mother passed away, and to bring his girlfriend to their home in the south within a month.

This call put a lot of pressure on Cai Shinan, but he didnt want any of his colleagues to know. He felt that it was an embarrassing and ugly matter, and if any of his colleagues found out, it would become a laughingstock. Cai Shinan remembered that there was a "rent-a-girlfriend" service available on the internet, which could solve his immediate problem. He found an "online boyfriend-girlfriend rental company" through the search engine and called them.

The service representative who answered the phone told him, "Our company has a complete range of products, please come to our company and select the product you need."

Cai Shinan wore casual clothes and sunglasses and appeared in front of the product display cabinet at the company. He carefully inspected several products and finally selected one.

The female salesperson carried a long box out of the warehouse and placed it on the large desk in front of Cai Shinan: "Mr. Cai, you have a good eye. This type of girlfriend is our companys main product. Except for the inability to give birth, she can provide all other services that you require."

"How is the rental fee calculated?"

"Are you looking for a monthly or annual rental?"

"Just rent for a month first!"

"The monthly rental is fifteen thousand, its not expensive for the quality, and its durable and easy to use. Its like having a housemaid at home."

"What if the product malfunctions during the rental period? Do you provide after-sales service?"

The salesperson confidently replied, "Of course, we have comprehensive after-sales service, but our companys product reliability is 100%, and we have never had a customer return a product for repair."

"This is amazing!" Cai Shinan thought, "If thats the case, the rental fee is worth it."

"We guarantee that its worth the price, Mr. Cai. Please go to the brainwave setting room. Once our companys product is activated, you will experience the ultimate girlfriend experience."


( 創作小說 )
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