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推桿如何思考秘訣大公開 (How To Think)
2011/03/30 21:19:38瀏覽1087|回應1|推薦0

No matter how skilled you are with the long clubs, you’re going to make roughly 40 percent of your shots with the putter. 無論你的長球桿擊球技巧有多精湛,大致上你仍然需要將40%的練球時間花在推桿上。 

The putting game is the place to look if you want to get a competitive advantage. 如果你想取得競爭優勢,「推桿競技能力」正是你應該去檢視的地方。

The ideal golf temperament instinctively loves putting. 本能上就喜愛推桿是理想的高爾夫球性格。 

In putting, the inability to forget is infinitely more devastating than the inability to remember. There’s nothing worse for your putting than dwelling on the putts you’ve missed. 就推桿而言,〝不能忘記〞是遠比〝不能記住〞更具破壞力。(當你在推桿推桿時) 如果你還是想著剛才那記失誤的推桿,恐怕沒有比這個對你的推桿更具破壞力的事了。 

Thinking the way you have always thought will almost certainly assure that you putt the way you have always putted. 你是一直用素有的思考方式去思考,當然你就會用以前一向採行的推桿方式去推桿,這是可以確定的。 

You’ll make your best stroke and hole the most putts if you think only of your target. 如果你只想著你的目標,你將會擊出最佳推桿並推進大部分的推桿。 

Orientation toward the target works because the subconscious brain is capable of quick, accurate adjustments. 朝向目標(思考)是有作用的,因為在潛意識上頭腦是具有快速、精確的調整能力。 

The smaller the target, you have, the better the brain and body can function in getting the ball there. 你的目標越小,你就會有越好的頭腦與身體之功能去把球推到那裡(目標) 

Never putt for a three-foot circle if you aren’t trying to hole every put you have. But you are going to lose to someone who is. 如果你不想嘗試想將你每一個推桿都推進洞,就不要練習三呎圓圈之推桿,不過你將會輸給會這樣做的人。 

To gain control, give up control. 要獲得控制,就要先放棄控制。 

Devotion to an unvarying routine is one of the hallmarks of a good putter. 專執於一種固定不變的例行動作猶如是一支優良推桿的品質保證。 

When the moment of truth comes, look at the target, look at the ball, and let the stroke go without any undue delay between these three movements. 當“真實(擊球)”到來的時刻,注視著目標,注視著球,然後把球推出,這三個動作之間,應力求流暢,不拖泥帶水。 

Your first impression of how a putt will break will be right more often than any other impression you might form. 通常研判推桿路線轉折點的第一個印象,往往會比你後來形成的想法還來得正確。 

Putt to make it. 推桿是為了成功。 

More often than not, anger is the enemy of focus. 生氣是專注的敵人,但人卻經常生氣 

Good players handle pressure putts by developing a strong routine and relying on it in the clutch. 好球員常會發展一個固定的例行動作,並在緊張關鍵時刻依賴它(例行動作)來處理有壓力的推桿。 

Good putters learn to welcome nervous symptoms rather than fear them. 優秀的推桿者會學著:與其害怕心理緊張會發作,不如欣然接受它。 

The last thing you want to do if you’re trying to make putts is to worry about speed. 如果你想成功將球推進洞,最後你要做的事情就是擔心速度。 

You already have touch. You have to believe in it and use it. 你一旦有了感覺,就應該相信它並且善用它。 

A miss is a miss, whether it runs a foot past the hole or stops a foot short. 沒進洞就是沒進洞,不管它是在洞前一呎處停止或者是滾過洞一呎。 

Every putt is green-light putt. 每一推桿推球都是綠燈推球 (註)

(註) 意味〝果嶺輕推球 〞,也〝安全無虞了,再進行”之意。

The yips originate in the mind. Their prevention and cure are mental challenges. (推桿時)球員內心會產生恐懼,這些恐懼心態的預防與治療都是心()智上的艱鉅任務。 

If you think the putter you’re using will help you, it probably will. 如果你認為你現在使用的推桿對你有幫助,它就會有幫助。 

Pick a putter and putting style that feels good to you and stick with them. 選定一個你自我感覺良好的推桿以及推球姿勢而且固守著它們。 

There is no such thing as perfect putting mechanics. There is no perfect way to roll the ball. 沒有完美推桿的技巧那樣的事情,也沒有讓球完美滾動的方法。 

Fall in love with the stroke you have. 愛上你推出去的每一個球。 

Practice in ways that build confidence. 以能夠建立信心之各式各樣的方法去練習(推桿)  

Practicing for touch and pace is best done without a hole. 練習(推桿)觸擊與球速,最好在沒有球洞的狀況下來練習。 

Good wedge play makes the difference between a lot of putts from ten feet and a lot of putts from three feet. 好的短桿擊球會造成的差異,是導致“很多十呎的推桿”與“很多三呎的推桿”兩種不同的結果。  

The principles of good putting will work for as long as your commitment to them stands. 只要你能學好牢記這些好的推桿思維原則」的主張,這些原則將會發生效用的

( 興趣嗜好運動 )
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Bob Rotella
2011/07/03 10:41
