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2010/09/22 07:26:44瀏覽535|回應0|推薦29

引用文章英文老歌時間 (五首)


雖然我用城邦的部落格兩年了,不過總還是停留在羨慕別人不知怎地總會做美美的賀卡然後貼人家留言版上~~所以只好用最單純的文字祝賀了....感謝妳送來的賀卡  ^ ^  也謝謝妳永遠那麼死忠地stand by.....短短數字,代表我滿滿地祝福,祝妳中秋愉快哦...

Best Regards,


Dear Sue,

Here comes Happiness and wish you stay productive to enjoy your fantastic life.

Whenever I introduce you to my friends, I will say, " She is an incredible woman with the strongest will to complete something meaningful, with the undying spirits to meet unexpected challenges, with the positive and productive efforts to make something unique happen, and with naive and novel ideas to do something fresh.

How I wish to live " Yesterday Once More"!! But I do know, " Tomorrow will be better, and Today is always the BEST."

Happy Moon Festival, Sue.


PS. I love all the songs you've shared here with us and here comes the song I love very much sung by Kris Phillips (费翔). By the way, thanks for your thoughtful and sweet message. Your informative and productive sharings in your blog are always the best gifts to me all year around.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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