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2009/12/23 10:21:56瀏覽853|回應6|推薦56 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I examine the UDN management and figure out that I have written 2015 articles. I have been writing in UDN for 1063 days, almost 3 years. Haha, the figure of 1063 surprises me and impresses me a lot. I should have stopped writing my daily thoughts and start to write my thesis a long time ago, but I didn't. Maybe, I don't know maybe. This is the last article I wrote in 2009. How I wish I could be wise enough to know when to stop and when to start! How I wish to know how I should stop to start! Haha, I have used up a certain " ", and it is about time to save instead of wasting the trust and the power of believing. Haha, this should be the last article before I complete something I have invested time, money, health, energy and credits. Good luck, Helen. I wish I could say, " Good job, Helen." to myself pretty soon. Yeah, get involved and get well prepared for completing it step by step. "當然也希望您的論文能早日完成Oral defense,或許文憑不能代表什麼,但我想那是對自己當初的選擇有一種階段的交代" Thanks for a sincere friend's reminder and encouragement. I will bear in mind. Helen (胡正芳) = 蔡介裕主任的TA = 文藻外語文教事業發展研究所學生 在我這位陌生人眼中妳是位追求"真"平凡幸福中展現出不平凡的女孩子 Helen樂愛教學、Helen觀感細膩、Helen知足幸福、Helen知孝即行、Helen.. 或許這些都是妳的優點,但在這些優點下卻也遮蔽了妳對人生的挑戰心 既然妳對教育存有熱忱與絕對的專業,那就全力以赴去通過世俗的考試 我相信妳將會是一位影響下一代成長的好老師同時還會是侍親的好女兒 平凡與幸福雖可貴,但「挑戰後回歸」的平凡幸福更是不虛此生的歷鍊 人謂知易行難,我謂知難行易,因為「真知」後的力量將讓妳樂在行中 加油了,平凡幸福的Helen,分享我的座右銘:機會絕對是給準備好的人 I've read the above message thousands of times, I feel appreciated and admire a stranger's observation and suggestion. Haha, a stranger knows me deeper than I myself. Haha, a stranger sees through me clearer than I myself. Yeah, 優點下遮蔽了妳對人生的挑戰心, I agree with this point totally. All I can do right now is " FOCUS" instead of fooling around and hiding from challenges. All I can do right now is " GET whatever belongs to me " instead of letting it go. All I can do right now is " Stop to start" instead of starting to stop. Wake up, Helen. PS. Sorry, the sincere stranger. Without informing you, I've posted your message here. But I know you won't mind at all. Since your encouragement may change a person's attitude and encourage a person to face the music instead of escaping from the responsibility to become a better person. Thank you, the sincere stranger. |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |