Dear BR Light 345

I bought this book a long time ago and I read it just now and would like to share its meaningful aspiration with you.

The answer toward rightness or wrongness, brightness or darkness, ugliness or beauty, UPs or Downs, fastness or slowness, goodness or badness is " LOVE."
Even though we are surrounded by wrongness, darkness, ugliness, Downs, slowness or badness, rightness, brightness, beauty, UPs, fastness or goodness are there with us at the same time.
However, with the blessings of the special grace, special manners, special patience, special creativity, special understanding and special thankfulness, we are approaching toward the light of happiness.

Here comes the light of happiness for you and me.
Light of happiness is like the generous sunshine everywhere in the universe
I myself can be Light of Happiness if I follow the principle of "Wherever I go, no matter how the weather is, no matter what I do, I always bring my own sunshine"---the genuine smiles.
Good smiles as well as the positive inner light will shine day and night.
Happiness generates happiness. There are two ways to spread “Light of Happiness", the first one is to be the candle which brings the light to the darkness;the second one is to be the mirror which reflects the light in the darkness.
The longing for light of happiness is the longing for consciousness, brightness, and optimism.