Everyone is so unique, but we have to mingle in the world of diversity. 每個人是如此獨特,但是我們必須打滾混合在差異繁雜的世界。 Everyone is so independent, but we have no choice but to depend on one and another. 每個人是如此獨立,但是我們卻又別無選擇的相互依偎扶持。 Everyone has an individual way of living, but only when we know the importance of compatibility and respect the diversity can we appreciate the harmonicous musical chord(和音) from each individual chord(弦), can we feel thankful for the harmonious image from those colorful but complementary colors. 每個人都有自己獨特的方式生存過活,但是只有當我們知道兼容並蓄的重要性並且尊重差異時,我們才會欣賞和諧悅耳的和音來至於恰如其份卻不失獨特性的每根弦,我們才會感佩色彩協調的圖像是源自於繽紛炫亮的色彩不搶光芒卻相互襯托互補的美好。 Studying the meanings of the 包容, suddenly I figure out the fact that even a simple phrase"包容" has carried lots of educational meanings and inspiring perspectives. 包容,好簡單的短詞 卻蘊藏豐富的教育意義和振奮人心的觀點。 - coexist with each other
- accommodate each other
- tolerate one another/each other
- bear one another/each other
- accept and respect one another /each other
- comprehension, understanding; embrace; implication; toleration
1. 相互依存共生 2. 耐性耐心容忍 3. 彼此適應順應迎合 4. 寬容默認 5. 經的起 耐的住 承擔 支持 6. 彼此接受並且尊重彼此 7. 理解,善解; 包括;蘊涵; 寬容 I believe any diversified relations should be constructed from compatibility with the respect for diversity. 我相信任何多樣化的關係應該著眼於兼容並蓄,放心於尊重差異。